Andrew C. reviewed Qualia Mind Essentials

over 5 years ago

So far so good

I experience very minor short lasting headaches throughout the day on 5 pills but I haven't exercised in a few days. I also feel more dehydrated than without taking the pills and require more water at the end of the day upon realizing I forgot to drink enough. I believe after a couple more weeks of use I'll know when I should cut to 3-4 vs 5 depending on my exercise schedule and other factors like drinking coffee (which I prefer not to) but socially slips itself in. I do take quite a bit of l-theanine in my morning smoothie which obviously diminishes the real intensity I would feel from QFocus but I just always feel better with theanine regardless of when I take QFocus. The only reason I take Qualia vs coffee is the general sense of well being and more optimism vs just a jittery anxiety inducing coffee. The mental clarity between the two is similar. Overall, I'm happy with this cheaper Qualia version as there is no obvious reduction in benefit to me.

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