Qualia Mind Essentials Reviews

Bradley B. - 2019-02-05
It help but not as I expected I believe mind would benefit me more once I have the money I will be trying the mind over focus
Edwin E. - 2022-05-15
I was not able to get the benefits from it, but something that you definitively feel is the caffeine kicking in. I tested my memory and drive before and after qualia. I'm not sure if it's supposed to work after a couple days of continuous use but I haven't seen a difference
Marlen L. - 2021-06-02
It takes a long time to arrive to Canada, 3 weeks and still waiting
Laura M. - 2021-05-03
I tried both Qualia Mind and Qualia Focus, I got a slight increase in focus during the first 2 hours after taking the supplement, but I started feeling increasingly tired in the early afternoon, I adjusted the dosis, up the the recommended max, down up to 2 and 3 pills, I split the dosage, taking half first thing in the morning and half in the late morning or early afternoon, with no improved results, I ended up feeling extremely tired, I even fell asleep a couple of times seating in front o...Read more.
Stephanie D. - 2020-12-29
I ordered December 10th and still have not received and it is now the 28th
Wiley B. - 2020-12-02
I’m 69 years old and have had cognitive issues since major shoulder surgery last year. I’ve been taking NMNs which has worked well. Qualia was highly recommended by a week respected physician/scientist that I respect so I tried this product. I had high hopes, however, for me NMNs works much more reliably.
Tyson K. - 2020-11-14
Unfortunately I wasn't able to perceive even the slightest improvement after a month of taking Essentials as prescribed. I let the company know and in addition to giving suggestions as to why I might not have benefited (sadly they didn't apply to my case) they fully refunded my purchase with alacrity. So one star for the lack of efficacy but another for the great customer service.
Bjorn R. - 2020-10-12
Good focus
Eli B. - 2020-10-11
I didn’t find an immediate difference in my ability to focus, but I did find that I was able to stay on the same level of focus much later in the day.
Brian M. - 2020-10-08
There was a noticeable effect from the first day. There was a mild energy boost, smooth without any discomfort. Felt good in general. Did not notice any cognitive effects.
Josh A. - 2020-10-06
I started to think of Qualia Mind Essentials as Qualia Mind Light. Nearly the same depth of focus, clarity and ability to think quickly as I’ve experienced with Qualia Mind.
Michael H. - 2020-10-03
I felt generally more alert, sharp and articulate for most of the day, and noticed the feeling about 30 minutes after taking the pills, which have an unpleasant taste. Had headaches the first couple of days that I cannot directly attribute to the product. But generally positive and effective experience.
Yolanda H. - 2020-09-30
Helpful in getting moving but still felt a bit sluggish. Once it gets going it made tasks easier to take out and not feel so much brain fog.
Brandon N. - 2020-09-29
I took Qualia Mind for 5 days. I took it as directed and got good results. The stimulants were just enough to give me a jolt to wake up but not too much. Some days I took it with food because I had upset stomach without food. I felt like I didn't have brain fog nearly as bad as before.
William T. - 2020-07-30
Took as recommended and noticed an improvement in overall focus and clarification for the first four days and since then, going on week 3 now, nothing. Almost seems like I regressed back to pre Focus state. No changes to daily routine over this time.
Andres L. - 2020-05-26
I wake up around 4-5, start my coffee and take 4 focus pills. Initially I had nausea for the first 3-4 days then it went away. I was not really focused. But studying from home isn’t my environment and I just keep getting distracted. Class starts at 8 and I’m falling asleep by 11 like a caffeine crash. Then class resumes at 1 and I just feel as if the information is not absorbed as much.
Natalia S. - 2020-02-08
Didn’t feel any significant change in focus. No increased memory. Slightly more energy but nothing that I wouldn’t get from my morning coffee.
david t. - 2019-11-29 | Beta Tester
No effect
Christopher H. - 2019-11-27
your website sucks. I've been trying to enter this review for 5 mins, but it keeps giving a page error.
Danielle S. - 2019-11-23 | Beta Tester
I cut down to 3 pills/day and then stopped taking them altogether because I just did not like the way they made me feel. I feel a little too jittery and the second night, it took me half an hour to decide which pajamas to wear!
Norman P. - 2019-08-25
I've tried everything under the sun, and this product wasn't much different than the rest based on 30 day trial. Oh well, it is what it is.
Sonya T. - 2019-08-09
It keeps me awake but it doesn't keep me focus