Qualia Focus Reviews

Chantae B. - 2021-11-25 | Beta Tester
The first day I experienced a terrible headache shortly after taking the capsules. The next day I only took one, which did not produce a headache, not produce very noticabke effects. I find I feel more dehydrated on the days I take this product. Increasing my fluid intake is a must to avoid potential negative effects.
Tao F. - 2021-11-25 | Beta Tester
Focus didn’t seem to have any effects or side effects. I kept taking it hoping that it would help my brain, but I couldn’t tell the difference between mornings that I took it and mornings that I didn’t.
Mara S. - 2021-09-13 | Beta Tester
I noticed a mild focus lift. I had NO trouble with them at all. They produced pleasant feelings.
Mario G. - 2021-08-22 | Beta Tester
Honestly - I do not feel a difference at this point.
John S. - 2021-08-21 | Beta Tester
First couple of days felt jittery. Much better now and feel some improvement, but want to take for another five days before formal assessment.
Brandon C. - 2021-08-19 | Beta Tester
I switched over to this from another product and I've not felt or noticed any of the same effects. Perhaps I need some build up but we'll see.
Katie M. - 2021-08-18 | Beta Tester
Slightly more focused, but often upset stomach when I first take it if not enough food in my stomach
luis z. - 2021-08-18 | Beta Tester
I took it in the morning and after 30 minutes I noticed feeling more alert, I would say the product makes me more energetic and gives me more mental energy, but it seems to come at the cost of a jittery feeling. I'm generally not super senstive to caffeine but this product makes me feel like ive had too much coffee. Sometimes the feeling crosses into anxiety which is counterproductive to do work. Overall I like it and Id have to experiment with a smaller dose.
Joni G. - 2021-08-18 | Beta Tester
I am not sure yet. I have just taken my first 5 days on and 2 off and today is back on. So far so good
Colleen M. - 2021-08-04 | Beta Tester
When taking the product, I felt sustained mental energy throughout the day, and a higher ability to tolerate inconvenience or strife. I didn’t feel any crash, and thought my short term memory and deductive reasoning was improved.
Alison M. - 2021-07-09 | Beta Tester
I THINK felt more focused and productive on week 2. However not sure if it was the supplement or just getting more sleep
Louis H. - 2021-07-04 | Beta Tester
I had no adverse effects. I felt decent compared to normal but my sleep has been poor in the last week due to finals.
Mary B. - 2021-06-04 | Beta Tester
It was not as amazing as some other qualia products. Surprised how much my stress levels have been lowered but felt a bit less sharp than usual
Matthew R. - 2021-04-04 | Beta Tester
My sleep, exercise, and diet habits remained the same across the 5 days. Approximately 7.5 hours of sleep, 45-75min exercise (crossfit style workouts). Wake up at 715, breakfast (more bias towards protein and fat) at 830 after drinking coffee and reading, work until 1300 (protein shake mid morning), eat lunch (less fat, more protein and carb bias) at 1300, work until 1730 (mid afternoon protein shake), 3g beta alanine prior to exercise session 1745-1900. Normally, I feel less productive and h...Read more.
Alison A. - 2021-04-04 | Beta Tester
The product made me hungry (stomach growling) much sooner than usual (about 2-4 hours sooner). I had little burps which are not normal for me, and they had a ginger-like "taste" to them. I felt more productive and perhaps had more mental energy, but I also felt more anxious, jittery, and my heart rate was higher than normal. So, a couple days only took 1.
David O. - 2021-04-04 | Beta Tester
I feel more able to focus, more energy in mental pursuits
Wendy C. - 2023-03-08 | Beta Tester
No help with mental focus, in fact I felt a bit more fuzzy-headed than usual.
Brian J. - 2023-03-07 | Beta Tester
Didn't really notice much of a difference. Last week was a different kind of week though. Had a lot of time off work without pay, which sucks and someone I know almost died in the hospital. So I don't really know how to gauge the last week of this study.
Matt B. - 2023-02-16
Great product overall but I don’t want silicon dioxide or calcium carbonate in anything I take, they’re mineral nanoparticles that don’t belong in the human body. I wish neurohacker also didn’t use plastic packaging in their products and put them in glass or aluminum bottles.
Jerremy D. - 2022-02-24 | Beta Tester
No effect
Dion B. - 2022-02-09 | Beta Tester
I was hoping to see some differences as my focus has not been good, and my drive to get things done has been low. I saw virtually no improvement is mental clarity, ability to focus, or increased drive to do things. I thought that maybe there was a build up time needed, but either that is not the case, or having two days off just burns down any build up. I'm any case, there have been no negative effects, but there have been no positive effects either.
Anna L. - 2021-06-04 | Beta Tester
I haven't noticed a tangible difference in my day after taking the supplement, definitely not the same as Qualia Mind. I felt the difference right away. This particular test supplement didn't enhance my overall focus or mental energy
Frank O. - 2021-06-04 | Beta Tester
Thomas B. - 2023-08-12
It is not working, cancel any further bottles
Randolph H. - 2023-05-05
Doesn't work and they made it difficult to cancel the subscription until I acted like I wanted to try a new product and finally got logged in and canceled my subscription after 4 months! The bottles just sit in my drawer. I let friends try them but they don't notice anything either. Just save your money