
Dustin C. - 2024-01-20
Works well
B M. - 2024-01-20
Excited to start Qualia Senolytic today to see how it can enhance all my other biohacking efforts! Stay tuned!
Amanda C. - 2024-01-20
I’m just getting started with NAD+ but it’s a good experience so far and I have really liked Qualia Vision in the past while I worked on improving my vision.
Keith R. - 2024-01-20
I took three of the capsules as soon as they arrived and I noticed that my thinking was sharper and brighter within a couple of hours!
Melissa S. - 2024-01-20
I’m a skeptic. So, I tried it. I feel better. I like it. Repeat
Joy S. - 2024-01-19
Seeing the difference with improved memory, clarity and focus. Have been taking Lions Mane and Ginkgo for a long time, but have not experienced the results like Qualia Mind.
John R. - 2024-01-19
I've been using Mind for two years now. As someone that is often working physically alone but within a virtual team, my ability to focus is everything. Mind has allowed me to add hours of meaningful work to my day.
Lin W. - 2024-01-19
Recommended serving size is 7 pills but personally I only take 2 and I feel the improvement. My mind feels clearer and I can articulate thoughts and speech better.
Mark B. - 2024-01-18
Outstanding product!!!
Brianne S. - 2024-01-18
The price is a little hefty but this has helped my husband tremendously with his work schedule. He works 12-18 hour days, so days in a row and needed a boost.
Christian S. - 2024-01-18
I First took qualia focus to help me with work but pairing it with qualia night was the best choose ever. I’ve always struggled staying asleep throughout the night. Since taking Qualia night I feel more rested in the morning which helps with brain fog, fatigue, and tiredness. Great product.
Deborah H. - 2024-01-17
Looking for forward to the long term benefits.
Lauren P. - 2024-01-17
After just the first dose, I woke up feeling clearer. Can't wait to see what day 2 brings!
JoJo b. - 2024-01-17
Amazing product from an amazing team
MICHAEL STANG S. - 2024-01-16
With all the research I've completed on the product Qualia Mind and the Company, I feel confident you are at the top of you're game. I am equally excited for further development. Don't stop!
Jason G. - 2024-01-15
Qualia products are simple to use and effective. Huge fan! Highly suggested!
M P. - 2024-01-14
2 consecutive days once every month for youthful cellular function? I bought a 4 month supply to give it a good go. I'm hoping to feel like a champion
Simon M. - 2024-01-13
This product is great to have in your arsenal for the days you need a little some extra to get you across the line, whether it’s a tight deadline or a mountain or work to get through - this product will help
Jason B. - 2024-01-12
My shipment arrived quick! My wife and I started taking it that day. We have both noticed a general improvement in our mood, energy and motivation. May be some placebo effect but we're definitely getting more done and happier to do it.
Spencer C. - 2024-01-12
Felt a surprising surge of alertness with first dose. I wasn’t expecting a feel good response but got one!
Jill T. - 2024-01-12
I have taken my first 5 days of Qualia Life. Usually capsules upset my stomach but that never happened with these and I am excited about that! I am looking forward to improving my health as I continue taking Qualia Life, along with Senolytic.
Bennett E. - 2024-01-11
I am looking forward to taking Qualia Mind again, I took the original Qualia when it was first released and it was a strong experience. I look forward to using this batch in accordance with my daily rhythm and routines.
Natalia D. - 2024-01-11
Qualia life gives lasting all day energy, with out caffeine
NICHOLLE o. - 2024-01-11
On my first month, so far so good!
Mary J. - 2024-01-11
I really feel better and more energized with this product.