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Who should not take Qualia Focus?

Women who are pregnant or nursing.

Children and teenagers under the age of 18.

Check with your doctor before taking Qualia Focus if…

  • you are currently taking any prescription medications.

  • you have a diagnosed medical condition.

  • you are concerned about taking it for any reason.

More Frequently Asked Questions

How soon will I notice some nootropic benefits from Qualia Focus?
How much caffeine is in Qualia Focus?
How long does the mental energy boost from Qualia Focus last?
Do I keep Qualia Focus at room temperature or put it in the refrigerator?
How should I get started with Qualia Focus?
Can I take less than the recommended dose of Qualia Focus?
How does Qualia Focus compare to the other Qualia nootropic products?
What is the recommended dose for Qualia Focus?
Is the dose of Qualia Focus dependent on body weight?
What is Qualia Focus?