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How should I get started with Qualia Nootropic Energy?

How should I get started with Qualia Nootropic Energy?

The convenient bottle and 2-ounce serving size makes Qualia Nootropic Energy easy to carry and simple to take. A great way to get started is to drink a bottle before some activity or event where you want to be able to perform at your best. Drink a bottle and pay attention to how you perform over the next few hours.

Should I take a Qualia Nootropic Energy with or without food?

It’s perfectly fine to take Qualia Nootropic Energy with or without food. However, some people prefer to take nootropic-containing products, such as Qualia Nootropic Energy away from food, because they feel like they notice the subjective response faster when it’s not combined with food.

When should I take a Qualia Nootropic Energy?

The simplest answer is “whenever you want to feel more energized.” Some specific ideas of when you might want to take a Qualia Nootropic Energy include:

First Thing in the Morning: Qualia Nootropic Energy can help you start the day more alert, focused, and energized.

Before a Morning or Early Afternoon Workout: Having trouble getting to the gym? Are you feeling fatigued before you finish a workout? A Qualia Nootropic Energy can help give you the extra energy and motivation you need to start fast and finish strong.

With Lunch: Do you have a mid-afternoon drop off in energy and performance? If so, you aren’t alone: almost 3 out of 4 adults experience an after lunch dip. Try taking a Qualia Nootropic Energy with lunch and pay attention to your afternoon energy and productivity.

Do I need to take the full bottle of Qualia Nootropic Energy?

No, feel free to take less than the full bottle if a smaller amount feels like it would be right for you. If you do decide to drink less than the full bottle, make sure you refrigerate the bottle after it is opened and use the rest within the next 3 days. 

What time of day Is best to take Qualia Nootropic Energy?

In general, the best time to take Qualia Nootropic Energy is early in the day. This is true for most things with caffeine, since caffeine later in the day or at night may interfere with sleep.

How many Qualia Nootropic Energy can I take in a day?

We recommend that you take no more than two shots of Qualia Energy per day. If you take more than one Qualia Nootropic Energy a day, space them out, allowing a few hours between each shot.

More Frequently Asked Questions

What is Qualia Nootropic Energy?

What is Qualia Nootropic Energy?

Qualia Nootropic Energy is a 2-ounce liquid shot designed to work fast and provide long-lasting clean energy. It is a blend of 12 carefully selected ingredients that can help give you the extra mental and physical energy you need to perform at your best for hours. Find out more about the ingredients.

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How much caffeine is in a Qualia Nootropic Energy?

Each Qualia Nootropic Energy contains 90mg of caffeine from organic coffee fruits (sometimes called coffee berries or cherries). 

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Why do you recommend taking Qualia Nootropic Energy for no more than 5 days in a row followed by 2 days off?

The short answer is that this helps prevent the tendency to adapt or habituate. Living organisms are experts at adapting to things.

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Can I take Qualia Nootropic Energy while intermittent fasting?

A Qualia Nootropic Energy contains 16 calories from 4 grams of organic coconut sugar. 

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Can I take Qualia Nootropic Energy in addition to either Qualia Mind or Qualia Focus? 

When we formulated the Qualia Nootropic Energy we assumed regular Qualia Mind and Qualia Focus users would want to occasionally have a Qualia Nootropic Energy.

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What should I expect when taking Qualia Nootropic Energy?
What should I do if I notice a side-effect and think it might be because of this product?

One of the interesting things found in studies is that placebos can have positive effects … and unwanted effects. 

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Why did you use coconut sugar in Qualia Nootropic Energy?

Four grams of organic coconut sugar are used to provide the mild sweet taste to improve the overall flavor profile of Qualia Nootropic Energy.

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When should I take a Qualia Nootropic Energy?

The simplest answer is “whenever you want to feel more energized.” Some specific ideas of when you might want to take a Qualia Nootropic Energy include:

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Can I take Qualia Nootropic Energy in addition to Qualia Life?

Yes. Qualia Nootropic Energy were designed to be able to be taken with Eternus.

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