Qualia Focus Reviews

William G. - 2023-05-24
I feel focused and alert while on this product. With my high stress job as an engineer, this supplement has not disappointed.
Sara C. - 2023-05-23 | Beta Tester
Overall, I feel really good on this. I have to change tasks a lot throughout the day and I have seen a remarkable difference in my ability to do this with ease.
Ken R. - 2023-05-22 | Beta Tester
Really great product if you are driving or have to concentrate for long hours. Pop a couple with a cup of coffee and you are good to go!
Mariah C. - 2023-05-22 | Beta Tester
Where has this product been the last 10 years question? It's like I got my 20 year old brain back. I'm in the legal field and having my youthful brain back is amazing! I used to have a photographic memory, it felt as though it was coming back. No need to write things down,as I would memorize them. Lists were no problem, tasks were no problem. I actually felt like completing all my tasks. No procrastination. That is beautiful.
MICHAEL C. - 2023-05-21 | Beta Tester
I took two capsules in the AM, sometimes on an empty stomach. Definitely could tell the positive difference on my mental state of health & function especially when I had a good night's sleep. I have confidence in the Neurohacker Qualia brand!
Matt S. - 2023-05-21 | Beta Tester
Product was helpful in keeping on track. It is a lighter version of quailia mind and with the smaller dose was awesome.
Beth C. - 2023-05-20 | Beta Tester
I could tell a huge difference in my thinking. Subjects were easier to grasp and expand upon. My thoughts were much more focused and extremely less scattered.
Jesse A. - 2023-05-20
Great for focusing when life gets crazy!
Jacob M. - 2023-05-20 | Beta Tester
Overall improved outlook- more motivated taking on challenges. I took it mid-late morning and noticed improved afternoon energy/productivity where I typically would have been fading.
Brandi B. - 2023-05-20 | Beta Tester
Increased morning alertness and overall energy to get through cognitively demanding tasks.
Julian G. - 2023-05-20 | Beta Tester
It works really good and gives you no jitters!
William S. - 2023-05-15
Really helpful
Lindsay S. - 2023-05-10
I've been taking Qualia Focus for about 6 months now, and it has really helped me keep energy and focus, especially studying through my Bachelor's program.
Nick L. - 2023-05-10
I recently embarked on a quest to find a supplement that could help me optimize my cognitive abilities, and my search led me to Qualia Focus. Let me tell you, this brain-boosting supplement has truly exceeded my expectations in terms of enhancing mental clarity and focus. Allow me to share my experience and how it makes me feel. First and foremost, I must highlight the incredible impact Qualia Focus has had on my ability to concentrate. With my demanding lifestyle, staying focused througho...Read more.
Kory S. - 2023-05-08
Havnt tried anything like this before and I did notice a positive effect in focus and mental energy. Don't take it everyday so I canceled my subscription buy I will reorder when I need more. Surprisingly did notice an a big difference.
VIRGINIA E. - 2023-05-07
It really helps me my memory and focus...
Christian T. - 2023-04-24
I've been using Qualia Focus for years, it's given me an edge in my career and helped stay in an elevated flow state. It's helped me be in a powerful state and develop important projects. High quality blends and a must have to any serious neurohackers!!
Ashley B. - 2023-04-12 | Beta Tester
It's not a miracle pill... but it is pretty great! I have noticed a definite increase in energy, motivation, and focus. Like I said, it's not a miracle, so don't expect to be an entirely different person... buts it's a step toward being a better version of myself, for sure! I actually stopped taking this during a recent trip (forgot it at home) and I'm back to being my lethargic, unmotivated, unfocused self and will resume taking them immediately because I just felt better and loved how my mi...Read more.
Tanasha A. - 2023-04-12
This brand is awesome, an investment that definitely helps. I feel like my vision has improved since I began using this product. Definitely recommended!
Ashleigh B. - 2023-04-10 | Beta Tester
Unlike a lot of similar products, this did not make me anxious or overstimulated! I had energy and was able to focus on all of my tasks!
Cameron S. - 2023-04-08
Just got it and the bottle looks nice. Pills are all there so I'll definitely try it out and see how I feel.
Robert B. - 2023-04-07
Gives me the little boost I need to get going about my day.
Theodora Y. - 2023-04-05
It helps with focusing when I study
Jason G. - 2023-04-05
I've tried similar products that work well but upset my stomach. This was not the case with Qualia Focus. These are natural, easy on the body and produce noticeable results in days not weeks. Do yourself a favor and at least check them out for 30 days. You will be pleasantly surprised.
Felipe B. - 2023-04-03
This product actually works! I get to spend quality time on my work and focus on things I want to.